Suvarna Nalapat

Suvarna Nalapat was born on May 6, 1946 in Punnayurkulam, Kerala, India. She is a medical doctor with an MD in Pathology and has several medical publications to her credit.

An enthusiastic writer, Suvarna Nalapat also writes non-medical articles and has several publications to her credit here as well. Her non-medical publications include:

– Random Thoughts on the Religion of Science. Medicta 1986.
– On Our Heritage. Souvenir of OISCA International, Calicut, 1986
– The Ancients Knew about It. Article in the heritage column of The Hindu, 8.2.1980, on the comparison between ancient and modern astronomy.
– Advaitha: Special Essay on the Supersymmetry Theory of Physicists. Yuvabharathi, October 1984, page 43 to 45
– Articles on music therapy in various periodicals and souvenirs. The latest in the international journal, The voices on Aesthetics in Indian Music Therapy.
She has also published articles in the Malayalam (an Indian language) press on various subjects including medicine, astronomy, archeology, history, anthropology, literature, music therapy and philosophy.

A multi-talented lady, Suvarna writes poetry as well.

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